Difference: AppxHTMLClient550 (17 vs. 18)

Revision 182021-11-23 - JoeOrtagus

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META TOPICPARENT name="Appx550Installation"


Line: 96 to 95


1) If you are upgrading from a prior release, you must uninstall the old Server Connector first by running 'appxConnector-uninstall.js'. You must do this before installing the new connector. This should be run as 'root' on Linux/Unix systems, and as an Administrator on Windows systems. To run the script, open a terminal or DOS window and navigate to the folder where you installed the Appx Server Connector, then invoke the script via 'node':
1) The NPM modules installed via the "npm install" command are third party dependencies of the APPX HTML client. These modules are authored and supported by someone other than APPX Software, Inc. If you encounter security or warning messages when installing third party modules, the notice will usually tell you to run "npm audit" for details. The audit report will typically provide you with CVE numbers or project advisory URLs that you'll need to research. After considering your unique situation along with the information contained in the security notice you'll be better equipped to decide whether or not the risk applies to your situation and to make a final determination of what your direction will be.
2) If you are upgrading from a prior release, you must uninstall the old Server Connector first by running 'appxConnector-uninstall.js'. You must do this before installing the new connector. This should be run as 'root' on Linux/Unix systems, and as an Administrator on Windows systems. To run the script, open a terminal or DOS window and navigate to the folder where you installed the Appx Server Connector, then invoke the script via 'node'..
[root@localhost appxConnector]# node appxConnector-uninstall.js 
Using default mode: systemd
Uninstall complete.
The service exists: false
[root@localhost appxConnector]#
2) Extract the Appx Server Connector to a location of your choice. A folder in the /opt directory would be a good choice on a Linux server.
3) Extract the Appx Server Connector to a location of your choice. A folder in the /opt directory would be a good choice on a Linux server.
3) Configuration will occur via modification to three files ( four I guess, but mostly three ). The three files are appx-client-settings.js (found in webhost.zip bundle), appxConnector.js, and appxMongoConnector.js (both found in serverConnector.zip bundle). A forth one is index.html/client.html if you modify those - I don't recommend it. And now that I think about it, you could go crazy and include a fifth --> the css file(s).
4) Configuration will occur via modification to three files ( four I guess, but mostly three ). The three files are appx-client-settings.js (found in webhost.zip bundle), appxConnector.js, and appxMongoConnector.js (both found in serverConnector.zip bundle). A forth one is index.html/client.html if you modify those - I don't recommend it. And now that I think about it, you could go crazy and include a fifth --> the css file(s).
  Encryption configuration occurs in all three of those .js files. There is coordination required among the parameters, flipping one parameter requires modification of another parameter at times.
Line: 219 to 219
  Parameters I didn't really dive into, but are worth mentioning. appxLocalConnectorCert is used if you have your own organizational certificate authority. useoldsocket is used if you enabled mandatory SSL logins with your appxLoginMgr and your appxLoginMgr is <5.5.0. If you are in a 5.5.0 environment, useoldsocket should probably be set to false.
4) Run the appxConnector-install.js script. This should also be run as 'root' on Linux/Unix systems, or as an Administrator on Windows systems. This will check your system for the required modules. To run the script, open a terminal or DOS window and navigate to the folder where you installed the Appx Server Connector, then invoke the installation scripts via 'node':
5) Run the appxConnector-install.js script. This should also be run as 'root' on Linux/Unix systems, or as an Administrator on Windows systems. This will check your system for the required modules. To run the script, open a terminal or DOS window and navigate to the folder where you installed the Appx Server Connector, then invoke the installation scripts via 'node':
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt/appxConnector
[root@localhost ~]# npm install
<serveral node packages will be downloaded and installed> 

[root@localhost appxConnector545]# node appxConnector-install.js
Checking for required modules...
No arguments received, using default settings for install
Module: crypto - Installed.
Module: fs - Installed.
Module: hexy - Installed.
Module: http - Installed.
Module: https - Installed.
Module: mime - Installed.
Module: mongodb - Installed.
Module: net - Installed.
Module: node-cryptojs-aes - Installed.
Module: string - Installed.
Module: string_decoder - Installed.
Module: url - Installed.
Module: ws - Installed.

Using default mode: systemd
Installing service on /etc/systemd/system/appxconnector.service
Running systemctl daemon-reload...
Installing appxConnector3014 service...
Done... Waiting on service to start...
Running systemctl start appxconnector...
Service appxConnector3014 started
Using default mode: systemd
Installing service on /etc/systemd/system/appxmongoconnector.service
Running systemctl daemon-reload...
Installing appxMongoConnector3015 service...
Done... Waiting on service to start...
Running systemctl start appxmongoconnector...
Service appxMongoConnector3015 started
5) Confirm the service is running. In Linux/Unix you can use 'ps -ef|grep appx', and in Windows you can use the 'Services' control panel.
6) Confirm the service is running. In Linux/Unix you can use 'ps -ef|grep appx', and in Windows you can use the 'Services' control panel.
  Assuming the web server to which we installed the client is, and that we installed everything into an 'appx' folder on the web server, then we should be able to get a client login dialog box via:
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