Difference: AppxHTMLClient542 (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32015-12-04 - JeanNeron

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APPX HTML Client 5.4.2

This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client.

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  Next, extract the Appx Server Connector to a location of your choice. This is the software that will connect your browser client to the Appx Login Manager. A folder in the /opt directory would be a good choice on a Linux server. Once the software is extracted, you must manually start the connector running. For example, if you installed the connector in /opt/appxConnector, then you would (as root):
# cd /opt/appxConnector
# nohup ./node appxConnector.js &
# cd /opt/appxConnector
# nohup node appxConnector.js &
  If you are running on Windows, then extract the Appx Server Connector to a folder of your choice and invoke it. For example, if you installed it a folder called "C:\AppxConnector", then you would:
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