Difference: APPXLoginManagerForWindows (70 vs. 71)

Revision 712018-01-19 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1

APPX Login Manager For Windows

Line: 165 to 165
 -ServiceDisableAppxKeys={true, false}
This option can be used to disable the ability to define an APPX keymap. If set to true, those interactive clients which support the ability to define an APPX keymap will not be allowed to do so.
serverEnableHTTPdebug={true, false}

Normally you can point a browser at the login port & it will display a configuration page. This might be considered a security risk, setting this to a value of 'false' will cause the listener to immediately hang up and recycle to a listening state on an HTTP request without displaying the configuration information.

Options - Startup Process

-ServiceEnableCmds={true, false}

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