Difference: APPXClientEncryption (18 vs. 19)

Revision 192008-09-19 - SteveFrizzell

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APPX Desktop Client Encryption

Effective with Release 5.0.0, the APPX Desktop Client includes an option to enable SSL encryption for "Remote" APPX Desktop Client sessions.
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Client - Prior to 5.0 Clear Text Only Clear Text Only
Client - 5.0 & Higher Clear Text Only Clear Text or SSL

APPX Desktop Client SSL Preferences


APPX Desktop Client Preferences - SSL 

The APPX Desktop Client provides five preferences (parameters) relating to configuring the APPX Desktop Client  to use SSL encryption.


  • APPX Desktop Client Preferences - SSL:
The APPX Desktop Client provides five preferences (parameters) relating to SSL connection requests.  Depending on the value specified for SSLMode, the other SSL preferences may not always be relevant.


The SSLMode preference is used to identify the type of connection that the APPX Desktop Client should attempt to establis - either SSL or "clear text".  Depending on the value specified for SSLMode, the other SSL preferences may not always be relevant.


  1. Required - This option is used to "Require" that the APPX Desktop Client establish an SSL connection with the APPX Login Manager on the APPX Server.  In the event that the APPX Login Manager is an older version that does not support SSL connections or if the APPX Login Manager is not configured to allow SSL connections, the client will display an error dialog informing the user that an SSL connection with the requested APPX server is not available.  The value of SSLMismatchAllowed will determine if the user is provided with an option to continue with a "clear text" connection.
  2. Optional - This option is similar to the Required option.  However, in the event that the APPX Server does not support or is not configured to support an SSL connection, the client will automatically establish a "clear text" connection without notifying the user.  The SSLMismatchAllowed preference is not relevant when this option is specified.
  3. Disabled - This option is used to "Disable" the APPX Desktop Client's ability to establish an SSL connection.  In other words, this option is used to "require" that the APPX Desktop Client establish a "clear text" connection with the APPX Login Manager on the APPX Server.  In the event that the APPX Login Manager is not configured to allow a "clear text" connection, the client will display an error dialog informing the user that a "clear text" connection with the requested APPX Server is not allowed.  The value of SSLMismatchAllowed will determine if the user if provided with an option to continue with an SSL connection. 
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  1. False - An SSL connection is only allowed if the server has a signed certificate.


This preference determines whether or not the user is provided with an option to continue in the event that the required connection type is not available.  If set to False, the user will be presented with an Error Dialog Window in the event that the requested type of connection cannot be established.False, the user is given the option of continuing with a different type of connection or cancelling.  For example, if SSLMode is set to Required but the server does not allow
This preference determines whether or not the user is provided with an option to continue in the event that the required connection type is not available.  If set to False, the user will be presented with an Error Dialog Window in the event that the requested type of connection cannot be established.False, the user is given the option of continuing with a different type of connection or cancelling.  For example, if  SSLMode is set to Required but the server does not allow
  1. True - If the requested type of connection, either SSL or "clear text", is not available, the user is provided an option to continue with the type of connection that is available.
  2. False - If the requested type of connection, either SSL or "clear text", is not available, the connection attempt fails.


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  1. False - The connection is not allowed


This preference specifies the length of time in seconds that the client is to wait after attempting to establish an SSL connection with the APPX Login Manager.  If the specified amount of time passes without establishing an SSL connection, then the connect request will fail.  This option is not relevant when the value of SSLMode is "Pre43".
This preference specifies the length of time in seconds that the client is to wait after attempting to establish an SSL connection with the APPX Login Manager.  If the specified amount of time passes without establishing an SSL connection, then the connect request will fail.  This option is not relevant when the value of SSLMode is "Pre43".
  1. An integer 0 through 10, with the default being 3.

APPX Connection Manager SSL parameters.


APPX Login Manager Prameters - SSL

Please refer to the  APPX Login Manager for server configuration options relating to SSL.
Please refer to the  APPX Login Manager for information relating to SSL server configuration options.

Suggested Behavior:

  1. A field or two need to be added to the AppxDesktopClient SSL configuration parameters that would work with the AppxLoginMgr 's field named RequireSSLClientCertificates.

Known Limitations

  1. The APPX Desktop Client has not yet implemented the feature that will allow a certificate on the client to be provided to the APPX Server.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.
SSLMode - The option value should be changed from Pre43 to be NoSSL or PreSSL

-- SteveFrizzell - 19 Sep 2008

  -- AlKalter - 04 Apr 2008

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="SSLPreferences.PNG" attr="" comment="APPX Desktop Client Preferences - SSL" date="1221857776" name="SSLPreferences.PNG" path="C:\Documents and Settings\steve\Desktop\SSLPreferences.PNG" size="16976" stream="C:\Documents and Settings\steve\Desktop\SSLPreferences.PNG" user="Main.SteveFrizzell" version="1"
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