Difference: APPXAuditLog (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122008-10-15 - SteveFrizzell

Line: 1 to 1

APPX Audit Log Feature 

Line: 174 to 174
The LogRotationSize is the maximum size that an Audit Log file is allowed to be.  When an audit log file reaches the specified MAXSIZE, it will be closed and a new audit log file will be created.
Options - TCP/IP
-port, -SockPort={8060, PORT}
Configure the service to listen for connection requests on the specified TCP/IP PORT number. This option is required with the -install option. You may choose any TCP/IP PORT number that is not reserved or already being used on your system.
Configure the service to listen for audit log requests on the specified TCP/IP PORT number. This option is required with the -install option. You may choose any TCP/IP PORT number that is not reserved or already being used on your system.

Configuration - Environment Variables

You can include a space-separated list of environment variables at the end of the command line when you use the -install option. These environment variables will be saved in the env file that is created and will be given to the environment of the appx sessions that are started by the Login Manager. Note that when specifying variables on the command line, you do not prefix them with a dash if you are referring to environment variables.
You can include a space-separated list of environment variables at the end of the command line when you use the -install option. These environment variables will be saved in the env file that is created.  There is currently no reason to use this feature.

Synopsis - Service Management

appxLoginMgr [-start | -stop | -restart | -status] {SERVICENAME | -serviceName=SERVICENAME}
appxAuditMgr [-start | -stop | -restart | -status] {SERVICENAME | -serviceName=SERVICENAME}
-start | < blank >
Start an instance of the Login Manager service using the configuration information in the SERVICENAME.ini and the SERVICENAME.env files.
Start an instance of the Audit Log Service using the configuration information in the SERVICENAME.ini and the SERVICENAME.env files.
Stop the instance of the Login Manager service that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.
Stop the instance of the Audit Log Service that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.
Restart (stop and then start) the instance of the Login Manager that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.
Restart (stop and then start) the instance of the Audit Log Service that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.
Report the status of the instance of the Login Manager that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.
Report the status of the instance of the Audit Log Service that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.
Example 1: Configure and start a new instance of the Connection Service that will listen for connection requests on port 8060:
Example 1 - Configure and start a new instance of the Audit Log Service that will listen for audit log requests on port 8070:
appxLoginMgr -install -port=8060
Warning - the engine that you named has the setuid bit enabled
you may not want that bit set for the authentication method that you have chosen (OS-User)
To turn off the setuid bit, chmod u-s
../appx Configuration written to: appxd-8060.ini
Environment written to: appxd-8060.envtten to: /etc/rc.d/init.d/appxd-8060
appxAuditMgr -install -port=8070 -ServiceType=logmonitor  
appxLoginMgr -install -port=8060 -name=appx8060 -displayName="Appx-Production(8060)" -engine=/usr/local/appx/appx APPXPATH=c:\appx\data APPX_KEYMAP=WINDOWS
Example 2 - Configure and start a new instance of the Audit Log Service that will listen for audit log requests on port 8070.  The service name and descriptive name are also specified.
Display the status of an instance of the Connection Service:
appxAuditMgr -install -port=8070 -name=appx8070 -displayName="Appx-Audit-Log(8070)" -ServiceType=logmonitor
appxLoginMgr -status appx8060
Example 2 - Display the status of an instance of the Audit Log Service:
Shutdown a running instance of the Connection Service:
appxAuditMgr -status appx8070
appxLoginMgr -stop appx8060
Example 3 - Shutdown a running instance of the Audit Log Service:
Start a previously configured instance of the Connection Service:
appxAuditMgr -stop appx8070
appxLoginMgr -start appx8060
Example 4 - Start a previously configured instance of the Audit Log Service:
Modify a setting and an environment variable of an existing service
appxAuditMgr -start appx8070
appxLoginMgr -modify -name=appx8060 -SSLMode=required APPX_KEYMAP=Windows
Example 5 - Modify the Display Name and the maximum size of the log of an existing service:

appxLoginMgr -modify -name=appx8070 -displayName="Big Audit Log" -LogRotationSize=10G


The Configuration File (ini)

Each instance of an APPX Connection Service has a configuration file that is used to store the various parameters relating to that specific instance of the connection service.

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