Difference: APPXAuditLog (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112008-10-15 - SteveFrizzell

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APPX Audit Log Feature 

Line: 165 to 165
 -LogNamePattern={/tmp/logmon%N.xml, AUDITLOGPATHNAME}
The LogNamePattern identifies the path and the file name for the audit log files that will be created by the Audit Log Service.  The file name can include a pattern to ensure that each file created by the Audit Log Service will have a unique name.
The LogNamePattern identifies the path and the file name for the audit log files that will be created by the Audit Log Service.  The value of AUDITLOGPATHNAME can include a pattern to ensure that the name of each file created by the Audit Log Service will be unique.
  -LogRotationInterval={86400, MAXSECONDS}
The LogRotationInterval identifies the maximum time in seconds that an Audit Log file should be used before being closed and a new audit log file is created.  The default value of 86000 is the number of seconds in one day so, by default, the Audit Log Service will create a new audit log file each day
The LogRotationInterval identifies the maximum time in seconds that an Audit Log file should be used before being closed and a new audit log file is created.  The default value of 86000 is the number of seconds in one day so, by default, the Audit Log Service will create a new audit log file each day
  -LogRotationSize={1G, MAXSIZE}
The LogRotationSize is the maximum size that an Audit Log file is allowed to be.  When an audit log file reaches the specified MAXSIZE, it will be closed and a new audit log file will be created.
The LogRotationSize is the maximum size that an Audit Log file is allowed to be.  When an audit log file reaches the specified MAXSIZE, it will be closed and a new audit log file will be created.
Options - TCP/IP
-port, -SockPort={8060, PORT}
Configure the service to listen for connection requests on the specified TCP/IP PORT number. This option is required with the -install option. You may choose any TCP/IP PORT number that is not reserved or already being used on your system.
Configure the service to listen for connection requests on the specified TCP/IP PORT number. This option is required with the -install option. You may choose any TCP/IP PORT number that is not reserved or already being used on your system.

Configuration - Environment Variables

You can include a space-separated list of environment variables at the end of the command line when you use the -install option. These environment variables will be saved in the env file that is created and will be given to the environment of the appx sessions that are started by the Login Manager. Note that when specifying variables on the command line, you do not prefix them with a dash if you are referring to environment variables.

Synopsis - Service Management

appxLoginMgr [-start | -stop | -restart | -status] {SERVICENAME | -serviceName=SERVICENAME}


-start | < blank >
Start an instance of the Login Manager service using the configuration information in the SERVICENAME.ini and the SERVICENAME.env files.


Stop the instance of the Login Manager service that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.


Restart (stop and then start) the instance of the Login Manager that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.


Report the status of the instance of the Login Manager that was started with the SERVICENAME.ini file.


Example 1: Configure and start a new instance of the Connection Service that will listen for connection requests on port 8060:

appxLoginMgr -install -port=8060

Warning - the engine that you named has the setuid bit enabled
you may not want that bit set for the authentication method that you have chosen (OS-User)
To turn off the setuid bit, chmod u-s
../appx Configuration written to: appxd-8060.ini
Environment written to: appxd-8060.envtten to: /etc/rc.d/init.d/appxd-8060

appxLoginMgr -install -port=8060 -name=appx8060 -displayName="Appx-Production(8060)" -engine=/usr/local/appx/appx APPXPATH=c:\appx\data APPX_KEYMAP=WINDOWS

Display the status of an instance of the Connection Service:

appxLoginMgr -status appx8060

Shutdown a running instance of the Connection Service:

appxLoginMgr -stop appx8060

Start a previously configured instance of the Connection Service:

appxLoginMgr -start appx8060

Modify a setting and an environment variable of an existing service

appxLoginMgr -modify -name=appx8060 -SSLMode=required APPX_KEYMAP=Windows

The Configuration File (ini)

Each instance of an APPX Connection Service has a configuration file that is used to store the various parameters relating to that specific instance of the connection service.

The -install option of the appxLoginMgr command creates the configuration file when the service is created.

The name of the configuration file is the concatenation of the service name and ".ini". For example, if the service name is "appxd-8430", the name of the configuration file will be "appxd-8430.ini".

The configuration file is created in whichever directory is your current directory at the time that the appxLoginMgr command is run to create the service. Therefore, before you run the appxLoginMgr command to create a service, you must first change to the directory where you want the configuration file to reside. For example, if you want the configuration file to be created in the APPX tools directory, you should change to the tools directory before you run the appxLoginMgr command.

The name of the configuration file and the location of the configuration file should not be changed. The service that is created will not work correctly if the name or the location of the configuration file is changed.

# Appx connection manager configuration file
#   You can change this file by hand, or
#   use the uappxd program for better results
#   blank lines are ignored
#   anything following a '#' is treated as a comment
#   case is not important on the left-hand side
#   properties whose descriptions end in a '?' are
#   boolean and should be set to true or false
# --------------------------------------------------
# AppxApplication         =                     #startup application for spawned engines
# AppxDatabase            =                     #startup database for spawned engines
AppxExecutable            = /usr/local/appx/appx    #pathname to Appx engine
# AppxProcessName         =                     #startup process name for spawned engines
# AppxProcessType         =                     #startup process type for spawned engines
AuthenticationMethod      = OS-User             #authentication method (OS-User, Appx-User, HT-User(filename))
DisplayName               = Login-8430          #descriptive name
ImpersonateGID            = true                #change effective grouo ID for spawned engines?
ImpersonateGroup          = NamedGroup(appxgrp) #[LogonUser, NamedGroup(groupname), ServiceOwner]
ImpersonateUID            = true                #change effective user ID for spawned engines?
ImpersonateUser           = NamedUser(appx)     #[LogonUser, NamedUser(username), ServiceOwner]
# IncludeSystemEnv        = true                #include service environment variables in spawned engines?
# LogDirectory            = /tmp                #directory where log file should reside
# LogNamePattern          = /tmp/appxlog%N.xml  #audit log filename pattern (see man strftime for details
# LogRotationInterval     = 86400               #number of seconds between audit log rotations
# LogRotationSize         = 1G                  #maximum audit log file size
# RequireSSL              = false               #Require SSL-secured connections?
# RequireSSLClientCertificates = false          #require SSL-client certificates?
# ServerCertificateFile   =                     #pathname of server's X509 certificate (leave blank for anonymous connections
# ServerPrivateKeyFile    =                     #pathname of server's private key file (unlocks the ServerCertificateFile)
# ServerPrivateKeyPassphrase =                  #passphrase that unlocks ServerPrivateKeyFile
# ServiceDisable          = false               #disable this service?
# ServiceDisableAppxKeys  = false               #disable keyboard mapping?
# ServiceDisableFMS       = false               #disable AppxNET connections?
# ServiceDisableLogins    = false               #disable interactive logins?
# ServiceEnableCmds       = true                #allow client-side startup options?
ServiceName               = appxd-8430          #name of service
ServiceType               = login               #service type (login or logmonitor)
SockPort                  = 8430                #port number to service
# SSLMode                 = optional            #SSL connection type (optional, required, disabled)
# TCPEnableKeepAlive      = true                #Enable TCP dead-connection detection
# TCPKeepCount            = 8                   #Maximum number of keep-alive pings
# TCPKeepIdle             = 300                 #Idle time before ping sent to client (in seconds)
# TCPKeepInterval         = 60                  #Interval between keep-alive pings
# TCPNoDelay              = true                #disable TCP packet filling delay?
# TrustedCAFile           =                     #determines which client certificates to trust
# Umask                   =                     #umask (file creation mask) given to spawned engines

The Environment File (env)

Each instance of an APPX Connection Service has an environment file that is used to store the environment variables relating to that specific instance of the connection service. The environment variables in the environment file are inherited by each APPX session that is started by the APPX Connection Service.

The -install option of the appxLoginMgr command creates the environment file when the service is created.

The name of the environment file is the concatenation of the service name and ".env". For example, if the service name is "appxd-8430", the name of the environment file will be "appxd-8430.env".

The environment file is created in whichever directory is your current directory at the time that the appxLoginMgr command is run to create the service. Therefore, before you run the appxLoginMgr command to create a service, you must first change to the directory where you want the environment file to reside. For example, if you want the environment file to be created in the APPX tools directory, you should change to the tools directory before you run the appxLoginMgr command.

The name of the environment file and the location of the environment file should not be changed. The service that is created will not work correctly if the name or the location of the environment file is changed.

# Appx connection manager environment variables
#   The entries in this file will become
#   environment variables in the engines
#   spawned by this service
#   blank lines are ignored
#   anything following a '#' is treated as a comment
#   letter case IS important in this file
# --------------------------------------------------

The Status File (stat)

When an APPX Connection Service is started, a status file is created in the specified LogDirectory. If a LogDirectory was not specified, then the status file is created in the /tmp directory.

The name of the status file is the concatenation of the service name and ".stat". For example, if the service name is "appxd-8430", the name of the status file will be "appxd-8430.stat".

The status file can be viewed to see the actual context within which the service is running.

appxd-8430 running as process 28192
Effective User ID 0
Real User ID      0
Configuration values follow
*Daemonize = true
*DontForkEngine = false
*InitScriptStyle = 
*SleepAfterFork = 
AppxApplication = 
AppxDatabase = 
AppxExecutable = ../appx
AppxProcessName = 
AppxProcessType = 
AuthenticationMethod = OS-User
DisplayName = appxd-8430
ImpersonateGID = true
ImpersonateGroup = User
ImpersonateUID = true
ImpersonateUser = LogonUser
IncludeSystemEnv = true
LogDirectory = /tmp
LogNamePattern = /tmp/appxlog%N.xml
LogRotationInterval = 86400
LogRotationSize = 1G
RequireSSL = false
RequireSSLClientCertificates = false
ServerCertificateFile = 
ServerPrivateKeyFile = 
ServerPrivateKeyPassphrase = 
ServiceDisable = false
ServiceDisableAppxKeys = false
ServiceDisableFMS = false
ServiceDisableLogins = false
ServiceDisableODBC = 
ServiceEnableCmds = true
ServiceName = appxd-8430
ServiceType = login
SockPort = 8430
SSLMode = Optional
TCPEnableKeepAlive = true
TCPKeepCount = 8
TCPKeepIdle = 300
TCPKeepInterval = 60
TCPNoDelay = true
TrustedCAFile = 
Umask = 
Environment variables follow

The Log File (log)

When an APPX Connection Service is started, a log file is created in the specified LogDirectory. If a LogDirectory was not specified, then the log file is created in the /tmp directory.

The name of the log file is the concatenation of the service name and ".log". For example, if the service name is "appxd-8430", the name of the log file will be "appxd-8430.log".

When the connection service is started, the log file is initialized with the configuration of the connection service. The configuration information is followed by a dialog of messages relating to actions performed by the connection service. Each time the connection service processes a connection request, messages relating to the connection request are appended to the log file.

*Daemonize = true
*DontForkEngine = false
*InitScriptStyle = 
*SleepAfterFork = 
AppxApplication = 
AppxDatabase = 
AppxExecutable = ../appx
AppxProcessName = 
AppxProcessType = 
AuthenticationMethod = OS-User
DisplayName = appxd-8430
ImpersonateGID = true
ImpersonateGroup = User
ImpersonateUID = true
ImpersonateUser = LogonUser
IncludeSystemEnv = true
LogDirectory = /tmp
LogNamePattern = /tmp/appxlog%N.xml
LogRotationInterval = 86400
LogRotationSize = 1G
RequireSSL = false
RequireSSLClientCertificates = false
ServerCertificateFile = 
ServerPrivateKeyFile = 
ServerPrivateKeyPassphrase = 
ServiceDisable = false
ServiceDisableAppxKeys = false
ServiceDisableFMS = false
ServiceDisableLogins = false
ServiceDisableODBC = 
ServiceEnableCmds = true
ServiceName = appxd-8430
ServiceType = login
SockPort = 8430
SSLMode = Optional
TCPEnableKeepAlive = true
TCPKeepCount = 8
TCPKeepIdle = 300
TCPKeepInterval = 60
TCPNoDelay = true
TrustedCAFile = 
Umask = 
createListener complete - listening on port 8430
CAppxD::Run starting
handleClients - starting
handleClients - waiting

Red Hat service command.

Usage (service)

Synopsis - service Command

service [serviceName] [start|stop|restart|status]



 For example, here is a command to create a log monitor:
Line: 272 to 544
  To define FMS group, go to System Administration, Configuration, Log Profile press F9 to add a new profile. You can name it anything you want. For server name you must give it your server name:port number that you created earlier with appxAuditMgr:
@0 1 0" _moz-userdefined="">@1" _moz-userdefined="">@2 1 2" _moz-userdefined="">@3 21600 pixelWidth" _moz-userdefined="">@3 21600 pixelHeight" _moz-userdefined="">@0 0 1" _moz-userdefined="">servername:8064
@0 1 0" _moz-userdefined="">@1" _moz-userdefined="">@2 1 2" _moz-userdefined="">@3 21600 pixelWidth" _moz-userdefined="">@3 21600 pixelHeight" _moz-userdefined="">@0 0 1" _moz-userdefined="">servername:8064
  Then click on Log File Parameters and make sure you check parameters that you wish to log:
Line: 397 to 670
  Need examples of loading XML Data into an RDBMS


No open bugs.



If log file is not closed/rotated properly, Internet Explorer will display your .xml file, but it will show an error at the end of the file saying "File not closed". Firefox, however, will throw an error and won't display file at all

Line: 414 to 685
-- SteveFrizzell - 20 Jun 2008
-- SteveFrizzell - 20 Jun 2008
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="structure.xslt" attr="" comment="xslt program to extract file create events" date="1219770121" name="structure.xslt" path="structure.xslt" size="1629" stream="structure.xslt" user="Main.JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="subrs.xslt" attr="" comment="xslt program to extract subroutine calls" date="1219770177" name="subrs.xslt" path="subrs.xslt" size="1866" stream="subrs.xslt" user="Main.JeanNeron" version="1"
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