Difference: APPX610UpgradeInstallation (13 vs. 14)

Revision 142020-12-16 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 124 to 124
  Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.0 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.0, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.0.
FMS Type 9 files (APPX large file format) have changed on release 6.1. If you are using FMS Type 9 in your APPX 5.x version, you need to export them under release 5.x and then import them to APPX release 6.x.
 If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.0 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.x & Release 6.0 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.

If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has its own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6.0 so that its files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.

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