Difference: APPX500InstallationInstructions (22 vs. 23)

Revision 232010-07-07 - JoeOrtagus

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APPX 5 Installation Instructions

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 APPX runs on multiple platforms (various Windows versions & servers, Linux, HP-UX, AIX, etc). The steps for installing are very similar between all Linux/Unix platforms and all Windows versions, and rather than give instructions for each variation, we break them down into all Windows installations and all Linux/Unix installations. Where applicable, we note any O/S specific variations within the instructions for that type of O/S.

IMPORTANT: The APPX Desktop Client only runs on Intel based Macs with OS/X 10.5 Update 1, or higher. Older Intel based Macs might be able to use a third party Java runtime but this has not been tested. Power PC based Macs will not be able to run the APPX Desktop Client at all, since Apple does not provide Java SE 6 for this platform.

IMPORTANT: APPX Desktop Client version should match the APPX Server version. Failure to keep client and server version in sync can cause connectivity issues between client and server.


APPX 5 includes many new features and bug fixes. As always, before upgrading your APPX production system, you are strongly encouraged to install APPX 5 into a test environment where you can verify the compatibility of your applications. APPX 5 has been thoroughly tested but, because of the complexity of computer software (including the APPX Utility), there will certainly be bugs. Consequently, there is no guarantee that your applications will be completely compatible with this significant new release. It is your responsibility to test your applications to ensure that they are compatible with this new release of APPX and to make any changes that may be necessary to maintain compatibility. Finally, before upgrading your production system, make a backup of your applications and your data. Your computer software and your data are important assets of your organization. Please be prudent and take the steps needed to protect this important investment.

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