Difference: 520NewTableWidget (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122015-01-16 - JeanNeron

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New Table Widget

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 Note that using html in a table widget column will impact the optional sort on that column. That is, a cell that contains <html><b>XYZ will appear before one that contains <html><u>ABC, as the alpha sort looks at each character, including the html tags and surrounding brackets. Also note that html text-formatting commands, such as bold, underline, italic, font color, font face, and background color, will be honored, but positioning statements like <center> do not currently work in APPX table widgets. - Seņor Mesa

-- AlKalter - 2013-07-09


Sorting columns with HMTL has been corrected in 5.3.3 (or thereabouts).

-- Jean Neron - 2015-01-16


-- JeanNeron - 2012-06-12

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