Difference: 520KnownIssues (37 vs. 38)

Revision 382012-07-12 - JeanNeron

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Known Issues

Table Widget Editor

  • should only accept table source inputs (allowed me to enter a file name) * Fixed *, there was no editting on the fields at all. Made AP & Process name required fields.
Line: 55 to 55
  • When a Tab Out event fires, the --- CURSOR AT FIELD refers to the field the cursor is at now. It should refer to the field that triggered the Tab Out, not the next field it tabbed into. Or to put it another way, the Tab Out event should fire before the cursor moves to the next field. ** Fixed **
  • If value changed is set but the user tabs out of the field before valueChangedTimer has expired, the value changed event does not fire. If the user has changed the field, the value changed event should fire when they tab out. If Tab Out is also set, it should fire next. ** Fixed **
  • Setting the flags via ILF on non RAW TEXT widgets does not cause the events to fire. Probably should fire for all modifiable/tabable widgets.
  • It also seems like performing a shift-tab (going back to the previous field on the screen) does not work when your cursor is in a textfield with multiple rows.

Create Subroutine via ILF

  • 0AD STMT (IO) (OPEN) receives --- AI and PASSes it to 0AD SE ALLOC, but SE ALLOC does not receive it, so no value is returned from SE ALLOC, and therefore no value is returned to STMT (IO) (OPEN)'s caller. * Fixed * - removed RECEIVE --- AI and PASS --- AI, removed PASS from .UTIL SUBR CREATE. The routines just rely on 0AD SEGEN SE POINTER directly.
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