Difference: 520KnownIssues (34 vs. 35)

Revision 352012-07-10 - JeanNeron

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Known Issues

Table Widget Editor

  • should only accept table source inputs (allowed me to enter a file name) * Fixed *, there was no editting on the fields at all. Made AP & Process name required fields.
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  • Accepts Invalid field names, accepts invalid occurrence numbers, Does not automatically check app --- if field not found in current app, Scan for field names does not work. * Fixed * There were edits in there, but they were conditioned on --- ERRORS = 0, so once one error occurred, no further editing was done. Created new sub ITEM (EDIT FLD) (TABLESOURCE), based on ITEM (EDIT FLD), which validates field names, occurrences, field types (GROUP fields not allowed), Domains, and checks 0LA if not found in current ap. Replaced all editing with this new routine.
  • Changes made may or may be not logged in SCCS, needs to be tested. Probably shouldn't fix this unless the Design Transfer problem is also fixed. Will likely have a ripple effect in SCCS re: closing tasks, etc.
  • Can't change mask if field is not in the current application - * Fixed *
  • Can't run this process via Opt 99. In theory, you should be able to run this process by itself to test your ILF code in SOP, EOP, Post PCF Read, etc. The 0AD INVOC PROC process has no way to invoke a TABLESRC process type, since there is no ILF verb for TABLESRC (as there is for INPUT, OUTPUT, QUERY, etc). Or, to put it another way, we need a TABLESRC ILF command. This will affect the x-ref processes, so they will need to be made aware of this new verb. * Can you do an Opt-97 to build the EM? You can't run a FILE process directly. I'm not sure running a Table Source process standalone has any value. But I could be wrong (pete)
  • Can't run this process via Opt 99. In theory, you should be able to run this process by itself to test your ILF code in SOP, EOP, Post PCF Read, etc. The 0AD INVOC PROC process has no way to invoke a TABLESRC process type, since there is no ILF verb for TABLESRC (as there is for INPUT, OUTPUT, QUERY, etc). Or, to put it another way, we need a TABLESRC ILF command. This will affect the x-ref processes, so they will need to be made aware of this new verb. * Can you do an Opt-97 to build the EM? You can't run a FILE process directly. I'm not sure running a Table Source process standalone has any value. But I could be wrong (pete) * Yes, you can use Opt 97, I added all those helper options to the input. You can always run the input that uses the Table Source to step thru the code, so maybe this could be deferred for later. I was just thinking of consistency, Opt 99 always let's me run a process, even queries (Jean).

Table Widget Runtime

  • double click option difficult to trigger * fixed * Now using desktop double-click value.
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  • Cursor is moved to bottom of display instead of inserting a record at current location - Need to look into this more. Some screens adding at the bottom seems like the expected thing. Others not so much.
  • Some scrolling inputs in 0AD (Fields, End User Selections, Designer Selections, others?) attempt to position the cursor just after the file name. They expect the screen to be cleared, so now they position the cursor on the wrong row.


  • Can't xref table source process types
  • Can't xref table source process types * Fixed * You can x-ref to see where they are used, browse them to see what objects they use, and all x-refs know how to look at Table Source processes and show the hits.
  • Can't print tech doc for table source types - * Fixed * Formatting is similar to INPUT, but no frame/image detail, just list of Items.
  • Can't Design Transfer Table Source processes - * Fixed *
  • Need .WIDGET routine to REFRESH Table Widget via WIDGET VISIBLE INIT, maybe?. * Fixed * Now have field --- WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC as a widget field that if set to Y in Option Intercept will cause the Table widget to reload it's content even though it may not go to Pre-Display. There is also a new subroutine called .WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC that if passed a Widget Name will set the field with much less ILF code needed. You can also pass it two widget names and it will BEG AT and END AT on the two names and set all the widgets it finds.
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