Difference: 520KnownIssues (29 vs. 30)

Revision 302012-07-10 - PeteBrower

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Known Issues

Table Widget Editor

  • should only accept table source inputs (allowed me to enter a file name) * Fixed *, there was no editting on the fields at all. Made AP & Process name required fields.
  • hide font options, as they don't do anything (or use them as a default for the text on the widget) * Fixed * Now they do something
  • data source does not display in input sometimes, hard to reproduce. Try start in .DKL/PLO DRAG 'N DROP, Opt Int, then Opt 94 to .DKL/PLO SHELL SELECTED FILE,then A/C .DKL/PLO DETAILS SELECTED FILE, then IE, double click widget. Or Run the input from design: .DKL/PLO DRAG ’N DROP, Drag some files, Close the input, then: - Start in .DKL/PLO DRAG 'N DROP, Opt Int, then Opt 94 to .DKL/PLO SHELL SELECTED FILE,then goto A/C .DKL/PLO DETAILS SELECTED FILE, then Image Editor, double click widget.
  • data source does not display in input sometimes, hard to reproduce. Try start in .DKL/PLO DRAG 'N DROP, Opt Int, then Opt 94 to .DKL/PLO SHELL SELECTED FILE,then A/C .DKL/PLO DETAILS SELECTED FILE, then IE, double click widget. Or Run the input from design: .DKL/PLO DRAG ’N DROP, Drag some files, Close the input, then: - Start in .DKL/PLO DRAG 'N DROP, Opt Int, then Opt 94 to .DKL/PLO SHELL SELECTED FILE,then goto A/C .DKL/PLO DETAILS SELECTED FILE, then Image Editor, double click widget. - I can't replicate this (pete)
  • Invocation Type s/b required field. ** Fixed **
  • Scan on App Id in Widget Editor for Tables gives 'Return encountered outside of subroutine' error. * Fixed **
  • Incorrect process name displayed at Image level if you edit the Table Source process from here. * Fixed *
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  • Wide Columns appear to be truncated. Try to display a 512 character field. ** Fixed **
  • If there are compile errors in the Table Source, they are not displayed. Instead the default display for the Table Widget is shown.

Drag & Drop Editor

  • There should be a flag on the --- WIDGET spec to indicate if the field can accept a Drop action. This should be available for the following Widget types: button, label, table widget, html viewer, and Window Background. Currently only works for Widgets attached to an item. Problem: Some of those widget types do not fire an option, ie, labels, etc.
  • There should be a flag on the --- WIDGET spec to indicate if the field can accept a Drop action. This should be available for the following Widget types: button, label, table widget, html viewer, and Window Background. Currently only works for Widgets attached to an item. Problem: Some of those widget types do not fire an option, ie, labels, etc. * Fixed * There is now --- WIDGET DROP TARGET that marks a widget as able to receive a drop action. It also looks at --- WIDGET FI CHOOSE MODE to see what kind of Drop should be supported. --- WIDGET FI CHOOSE MODE has values of ANY, FILE, FOLDER, TREE where ANY is a single file or folder name. Many more widget types now support being a drop target.

Drag & Drop Runtime

  • There are times when it would be nice for the ADC Window to gain focus when an object is dropped on it. * Fixed * Client window now gains focus on a drop.
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  • Transitory messages (like process name during Em compile, restructuring, etc) no longer appear in the status bar.

Better HTML Widget

  • VLC option does not work - * Fixed once I properly installed VLC *
  • line breaks not honored in javascript viewer
  • Need proper Widget attributes vs @SHTML=
  • line breaks not honored in javascript viewer * Fixed * seems to work for me now.
  • Need proper Widget attributes vs @SHTML= * Fixed * Now have CODE VIEWER, HTML EDITOR, FLASH PLAYER, MEDIA PLAYER, WEB BROWSER widget types on Text fields. Also, CODE VIEWER looks at --- WIDGET CONTENT TYPE to see what syntax highlighting to do. WEB BROWSER looks at --- WIDGET SHOW DECORATE to see if it should show it's Web Browser controls or not.
  • Does this replace the old HTML Viewer? - No, the old HTML viewer is still available.

Add Mode No Longer Clears Screen

  • Cursor is moved to bottom of display instead of inserting a record at current location
  • Cursor is moved to bottom of display instead of inserting a record at current location - Need to look into this more. Some screens adding at the bottom seems like the expected thing. Others not so much.
  • Some scrolling inputs in 0AD (Fields, End User Selections, Designer Selections, others?) attempt to position the cursor just after the file name. They expect the screen to be cleared, so now they position the cursor on the wrong row.


  • Can't xref table source process types
  • Can't print tech doc for table source types
  • Can't Design Transfer Table Source processes - * Fixed *
  • Need .WIDGET routine to REFRESH Table Widget via WIDGET VISIBLE INIT, maybe?.
  • Need .WIDGET routine to REFRESH Table Widget via WIDGET VISIBLE INIT, maybe?. * Fixed * Now have field --- WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC as a widget field that if set to Y in Option Intercept will cause the Table widget to reload it's content even though it may not go to Pre-Display. There is also a new subroutine called .WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC that if passed a Widget Name will set the field with much less ILF code needed. You can also pass it two widget names and it will BEG AT and END AT on the two names and set all the widgets it finds.
  • Drag & Drop libraries are not installed during client install
  • Mac (and probably Linux) clients do not run


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