Difference: 520KnownIssues (26 vs. 27)

Revision 272012-07-09 - PeteBrower

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Known Issues

Table Widget Editor

  • should only accept table source inputs (allowed me to enter a file name) * Fixed *, there was no editting on the fields at all. Made AP & Process name required fields.
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  • There should be a flag on the --- WIDGET spec to indicate if the field can accept a Drop action. This should be available for the following Widget types: button, label, table widget, html viewer, and Window Background. Currently only works for Widgets attached to an item. Problem: Some of those widget types do not fire an option, ie, labels, etc.

Drag & Drop Runtime

  • There are times when it would be nice for the ADC Window to gain focus when an object is dropped on it.
  • There are times when it would be nice for the ADC Window to gain focus when an object is dropped on it. * Fixed * Client window now gains focus on a drop.
  • When dragging files over an Appx screen show where you can drop your files (change border or something of the widgets that can accept a drop action). More of a 'nice to have', since the mouse pointer changes when the mouse passes over a drop target.
  • Provide a runtime API to copy the --- DROP* files to memory versions of those files (MDROP* ?) to make it easier for a designer to save the contents of --- DROP.
  • If you set @SDND=file to only accept files, and the user drops a folder, the option still fires but the --- DROP* files are empty. The option probably should not fire at all in this case, and the mouse pointer should not change (?).
  • Files dropped remain in the temporary folder forever. They should probably be cleared when the --- DROP* files are initialized. Alternatively, provide a method for the designer to specify a location for dropped files, and the designer will manually clear the directory at login.
  • Create unique filenames for the temp file. Now the subject seems to be the name of the tempfile. This gives problems in dropping more items with the same subject.
  • Possible bug? When files are dragged from Thunderbird & dropped, the temp file seems to be erased almost immediately (there is no opportunity for the Appx process to get it).
  • Create unique filenames for the temp file. Now the subject seems to be the name of the tempfile. This gives problems in dropping more items with the same subject. * Fixed ***
  • Possible bug? When files are dragged from Thunderbird & dropped, the temp file seems to be erased almost immediately (there is no opportunity for the Appx process to get it). * Fixed ***

New Event Points Editor (Tab In/Out/Value Changed)

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