CALC - Exponential Functions






Returns the natural log (base e) of X. An error occurs if X is zero or negative.

@LOG(100)   = 4.60517...

@LOG(0      = ERROR

@LOG(-2)    = ERROR


Returns the value of e raised to the power of X.

@EXP(2)     = 7.38905...

@EXP(1)     = 2.71828...

@EXP(0)     = 1

@EXP(-2.5)  = .08208...


Returns the base 10 log of X. An error occurs if X is 0 or negative. To compute the antilog, you can use @POW, such as @POW(10,X).

@LOG10(100) = 2

@LOG10(50)  = 1.69897...

@LOG10(.5)  =-.30102...

@LOG10(0)   = ERROR

@LOG10(-5)  = ERROR