Using AND After an IF Statement

Consider the following example using an AND statement after an IF. In this example, the two statements are really part of a single logical verification since your intent is to check if both of the two statements are true.

          IF       TAR CUSTOMER BALANCE           GT     0
          AND      TAR WORK ON ACCOUNT AMOUNT     NE     0

·    When the IF statement executes, it automatically sets the level 1 true/false status indicator to either T or F, as appropriate.

·    If the IF statement is false, setting level 1 to F, the AND statement is bypassed because the possibility that both conditions are true has already been eliminated.

·    If the IF statement is true, the AND statement executes. If the AND statement is true, the level 1 indicator is preserved (left unchanged as T). If the AND statement is false, the level 1 indicator is changed to F.