Input Process Additional Attributes Option

When you select the additional attributes option from the Input Processes screen, the Input Processes Additional Attributes overlay is displayed as shown in Figure 3-6-3 below. This overlay permits the definition of more properties affecting the operation of the input process.

Figure 3-6-3. Input Processes Additional Attributes Overlay

The Additional Attributes overlay for Input processes contains the following fields:

COMPATIBLE .. Changes are committed as soon as all locks are freed. This provides maximum compatibility between APPXIO files and RDBMS tables.

AUTOCOMMIT . APPX will commit each modification as it is made.
*This value will be implemented in a future release.

PCF CYCLE ...... APPX will commit modifications as each PCF record is processed.

END .................. APPX will only commit modifications at the end of the process family.

MANUAL .......... APPX will not automatically commit changes. You must use the COMMIT statement to do so.