Chapter 4-1: ILF Integration Cover Page The ILF EditorResolving Compilation Errors

The Compilation Step

When you define an ILF routine, it becomes an integral part of the associated APPX process. To achieve this integration, the ILF routines are compiled along with all the other process specifications that you entered. The APPX process compiler is invoked automatically at process runtime. The compiler pulls together all the parts of the application, including any ILF routines that you defined. As a designer, you do not have to be concerned about the compilation step other than to understand that, if any errors are encountered, you will receive an appropriate compilation error message (refer to the next section).

The system automatically invokes compilation at runtime when it is required, either when a process is first developed or if changes were made. The system checks to see if there were any changes since the last compilation and, if there were, a recompilation is automatically initiated. Note that the verification and compilation is done when an end user executes a process, not when the designer applies changes or makes additions to the process specifications. As a result, the start-up time for an end user is longer when a compilation is required. Once compiled, subsequent start-up time is much faster because the system uses the compiled version (called an executable module).

You may also force a process to compile while using Application Design. Simply position your cursor on the selected process and select syntax check from the Toolbox menu (or simply select option 97).


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page The ILF EditorResolving Compilation Errors

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