Chapter 4-6: ILF Keyword Reference
MESSAGE can be used to display a message in an input process, or to print a message in an output, update or status process.
(1) (2)
(2) Message (constant or TEMPn predefined field) |
Variable messages can be displayed or printed by setting a predefined field TEMPn to the required message and entering TEMPn in place of a message in the MESSAGE statement.
When a message occurs, the image is redisplayed to the user with the message on line two of the status surface. If more than one ERROR, WARNING, or MESSAGE statement is executed, the user can display the additional messages.
In output processes, messages are printed on the report; in update, status, and subroutine processes they are printed to a log.
In the example below, the application designer is advising the user to use a different transaction entry process to enter invoices for miscellaneous customers.
MESSAGE Use Standard Invoice Entry for Miscellaneous Customers!
APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03)
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