Chapter 4-5: The Debugger Cover Page Watch PointsChange Mode (Debugger Screen)

iconinq.gif  Inquire Mode

Select this icon to examine and modify the contents of any field known to the current process. A field is known to the current process if any of the following are true:

·    the field is part of the PCF

·    the field is mentioned in ILF code

·    the file containing the field is mentioned in ILF code

·    the field is a PDF

·    the field is in a file related through data lookup

Restrictions to the inquire mode option include:

·    the Scan option cannot be used to select fields

·    only the first occurrence of a field may be viewed

·    any errors are reported by displayed question marks

Selecting this icon will open the data area of the screen, allowing you to enter the Application ID, Field Name, and Occurrence Number (if applicable) of the field you want to examine. Press enter to view the current contents of the field. Press enter again to return to normal debugging mode.


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page Watch PointsChange Mode (Debugger Screen)

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