Chapter 4-7: Predefined Fields and Processes Cover Page ENTER BILLING CODEGET ENV VAR


This subroutine checks for the existence of a parameter on the command line used to invoke the current engine. Two arguments are expected to be passed to the subroutine:

·    Parameter to be checked (alpha field, maximum length 132)

·    Buffer for returned value (alpha field, maximum length 2048 or 2K)

·    Must be PASS'ed shared.

·    Returns specified parameter only if it existed on the command line.

The subroutine can be invoked via SUBR or GOSUB.

The following example generates a message or warning depending on whether or not the parameter -m existed on the command line when the APPX engine was invoked.

          SET      --- TEMP 132                   =      -m
          SET      --- TEMP 256                   =
          PASS     --- TEMP 132                   FIELD            SHARE? N
          PASS     --- TEMP 256                   FIELD            SHARE? Y
          SUBR     --- GET CMD LINE PARM                DETACHED     END? N  FAIL 0
          IF       --- TEMP 256                   EQ --- TEMP 132
    T     APPEND   --- TEMP 132                   1      found
    F     APPEND   --- TEMP 132                   1      not found
    -     APPEND   --- TEMP 132                   1      on command line
    T     MESSAGE  TEMP 132
    F     WARNING  TEMP 132


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page ENTER BILLING CODEGET ENV VAR

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