Chapter 4-6: ILF Keyword Reference Cover Page END ATEND PROC


The END LOOP statement marks the end of loop execution.

    ••••• END LOOP ••
    (1)            (2)

(1) T/F execution conditions

(2) Loop index (A to Z, AI to ZI)

Using the Statement

The parameter entered is a predefined field A to Z or AI to ZI that corresponds to the index counter specified in the matching BEG LOOP statement.

If the index counter plus the step value is outside the “to” range set in the BEG LOOP statement, the index counter is left unchanged, and execution continues with the statement following the END LOOP.

Otherwise, the index counter is incremented by the step value, and execution continues with the statement immediately following the corresponding BEG LOOP statement.


A BEG LOOP statement must come before the END LOOP statement. There must be an END LOOP statement for each BEG LOOP statement. See the BEG LOOP section for additional information.

Execution Errors

An error occurs if a BEG LOOP statement does not get executed.

Related Statements



The following example is a simple loop that increments the current monthly budgets by 5 percent for all 12 months:

          BEG LOOP AI = 001 TO 012  STEP 001
          COMPUTE  TGL BUDGET AMOUNT          AI  *      1.05
          END LOOP AI

After the twelfth repetition (where AI=12), control is passed to the next statement following the END LOOP statement.

The next example presents a nested loop that repeats its processing logic within each occurrence of the main loop. This loop also incorporates a conditional check to see if the value of field C equals that of field D, at which point the internal loop terminates and returns control to the main loop.

          BEG LOOP A  = 001 TO 010  STEP 001
          *        (Perform processing if needed)

          BEG LOOP B  = 001 TO 005  STEP 001
          *        (Perform processing)
          IF       --- C                          EQ --- D
    T     SET      --- B                          =      5
          END LOOP B
          END LOOP A

There can be more BEG LOOP statements in an ILF routine than END LOOP statements. For example:

    T     BEG LOOP A  = 001 TO 010  STEP 001
    F     BEG LOOP A  = 001 TO 005  STEP 001
          *        (Perform processing)
          END LOOP A

In the preceding example, only one of the BEG LOOP statements can execute.


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page END ATEND PROC

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