Chapter 4-6: ILF Keyword Reference
CALC - Exponential Functions
Function |
Description |
Example |
@LOG(X) |
Returns the natural log (base e) of X. An error occurs if X is zero or negative. |
@LOG(100) = 4.60517... @LOG(0 = ERROR @LOG(-2) = ERROR |
@EXP(X) |
Returns the value of e raised to the power of X. |
@EXP(2) = 7.38905... @EXP(1) = 2.71828... @EXP(0) = 1 @EXP(-2.5) = .08208... |
@LOG10(X) |
Returns the base 10 log of X. An error occurs if X is 0 or negative. To compute the antilog, you can use @POW, such as @POW(10,X). |
@LOG10(100) = 2 @LOG10(50) = 1.69897... @LOG10(.5) =-.30102... @LOG10(0) = ERROR @LOG10(-5) = ERROR
APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03)
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