Chapter 4-7: Predefined Fields and Processes Cover Page APPLICATIONBETWEEN


This field is used in input processes to determine whether or not APPX automatically retrieves the next record after it finishes storing the current one. It can be changed during data entry by selecting the set attributes option. In general, it is established by the designer when the input process is defined. This field can also be used in inquiry processes to control information flow.

          IF       --- MODE                       EQ     CHANGE
    T     SET      --- AUTO READNEXT              =      1

Default Value:

The default value is blank but can be changed to Y or N by the designer when the input process is defined, or by the user while the input process is being executed. Blank means Y in all modes except delete mode, when it means N. If AUTO READNEXT is blank when the process begins, the first record is not read from the file being maintained.



APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page APPLICATIONBETWEEN

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