Chapter 4-2: True/False Status Indicators Cover Page Potential Misuse of AND and ORSpecifying Statements

AND and OR with Statements Other Than IF

You can use AND and OR statements to qualify another type of statement other than an IF statement, provided the statement affects the true/false status indicators (see Table 4-2-1). AND and OR statements behave in exactly the same manner as previously described when used after IF statements. For example:

          READ     TAR CUSTOMER               HOLD 0 FT 0 BY CUSTOMER NO
          AND      TAR CUSTOMER BALANCE           NE     0
    T     SET      --- INCLUDE RECORD             =      y

In this example, the SET statement executes only if both the READ statement is successful and the AND statement is true.


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page Potential Misuse of AND and ORSpecifying Statements

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