Chapter 3-16: Using Event Points Cover Page 3-16:Start of Frame3-16:Global Pre-Display

Select Image

The Select Image event point executes for input, inquiry, and output processes only. For a repeating frame, this event point executes for each repetition. Immediately after it executes, APPX initializes the value in the OPTION predefined field and determines which alternate image to execute by interrogating the predefined field ALTERNATE IMAGE NUMBER.

Select Image is generally used to modify the value in the ALTERNATE IMAGE NUMBER predefined field to identify a specific image or bypass an image (for repeating and optional frames).

Select Image executes before the image-level event points Pre-Display and Pre-Display/Verify. As a result, it can be used for routines that should execute regardless of which alternate image is selected, so you do not have to repeat such a routine for every image in the frame.


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page 3-16:Start of Frame3-16:Global Pre-Display

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