Chapter 3-10: Inquiry Processes Cover Page 3-10:Introduction to Inquiry Processes3-10:Inquiry Process Toolbox Option

Inquiry Process Specifications

Inquiry process specifications establish the general attributes of an inquiry process. They include such specifications as the inquiry print file, if any, the process control file, the name of the inquiry, and format characteristics. The Inquiry Processes screen is shown in Figure 3-10-2.


Figure 3-10-2. Inquiry Processes Screen

The Inquiry Processes screen contains the following inquiry-specific fields.

·     Process Name identifies a specific process that is unique within type and application.

·     App/PCF Name identifies a file by application ID and file name that is to be automatically managed by APPX during the execution of this process. The process control file (PCF) is the only file APPX automatically reads, writes, rewrites, and deletes records for during process execution.

·     Rpt Width indicates the maximum number of characters across, or in other words the number of columns, to allocate for each row in the report format. APPX uses the value you enter here to produce standard images of the proper width. If blank, the default width of the form that the report prints on defaults to the form width which is defined in system administration. If the form is narrower than the width of the formatted report, APPX truncates the inquiry. If the form is wider than the width of the report, however, APPX uses the larger width for standard images, but does not expand the format of the report itself. The default is 80.

·     Standard PgH determines whether or not APPX automatically prints a page heading standard image. If “yes” iconcheckyes.png, this image prints before any Start of Page frames for the report. Be careful not to also explicitly define a Start of Page frame with a page heading standard image, which could cause the standard image to print twice at the top of each page in the report. If “no” iconcheckno.png, you can explicitly define a Start of Page frame with a page heading standard image or, alternatively, define your own page heading using a Start of Page frame. The default is “yes”.

·     Standard ColH determines whether or not APPX automatically prints a Start of Page frame with a column heading standard image. APPX generates column headings based upon specifications in the data dictionary for each item included in the inquiry image. If “yes” iconcheckyes.png, this image prints after any Start of Page frames for the report. Be careful not to also explicitly define a Start of Page frame with a column heading standard image, which would cause the standard image to print twice for each page in the report. If “no” iconcheckno.png, you can explicitly define a Start of Page frame with a column heading standard image or, alternatively, define your own column headings using a Start of Page frame. The default is “yes”. Refer to Standard Column Heading Image for additional information.

·     Heading Separator identifies one alphanumeric character that prints continuously across the report to separate standard page headings, page frames, and standard column headings from the body of the report. If blank, APPX does not print a heading separator. The default is =.

·     Opts are indicators that are present whenever documentation (T), rules (R), or additional attributes (AA) have been defined for this process.

The following options as described in the corresponding sections are available on the Inquiry Processes screen:

·     Toolbox

·     Rules

·     Additional Attributes


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page 3-10:Introduction to Inquiry Processes3-10:Inquiry Process Toolbox Option

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