Screen Positioning
For menus and input processes, you must designate where the frames and images of a process are placed on a screen:
· Frames are positioned relative to coordinates of a screen. The amount of screen surface that is available for frame display is equal to the size of the surface less three rows (reserved for the APPX status display at the bottom of the screen).
· Images are positioned relative to the coordinates of a frame.
You designate position by entering two specifications, one representing a coordinate on a row axis and the other a coordinate on a column axis. Together, these coordinates determine the position at which the frame displays on the screen or the image displays on a frame. (The concepts for positioning a frame on a screen or an image on a frame are identical. Unless otherwise specified, the following information applies equally to both.)
You can enter coordinates as positive numbers, indicating image positioning relative to one of the borders of a frame:
· A row coordinate indicates the placement of the upper border of the image relative to the upper border of a frame. For example, an entry of 1 aligns the upper border of an image with that of a frame. An entry of 2 leaves a single blank row between the border of a frame and the border of an image. A negative entry aligns the upper border of an image with that of the bottom border of a frame. For example, a entry of -3 places the first row of the image 3 lines from the bottom of the frame.
· A column coordinate indicates the placement of the left border of an image relative to the left border of a frame. An entry of 1 aligns the left border of an image with that of a frame. An entry of 2 leaves a single blank column between the border of a frame and the border of an image.
· Use entries of 0 in either the column or row coordinates (or both) to center the image within the frame's total columns and/or rows.
APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03)
© 2003 by APPX Software, Inc. All rights reserved