Chapter 2-2: Data Dictionary Concepts Cover Page 2-02:Summary of a Data Dictionary Process2-02:Application Integration Issues

Relationships of the Processed Dictionary to Other APPX Components

Because the APPX data dictionary is active, various components within APPX depend upon an appropriately processed data dictionary. The components that are affected by processing are the following:

·     The process compiler cannot generate an executable module if any of the data dictionary definitions that it references require processing.

·     Before loading an executable module, the process loader performs a verification to ensure that the module is current. A new executable module must be created if any of the data dictionary definitions that the module references require processing.

·     The database management utilities, including Create Files and Restructure Files, can only be used with data dictionary components that do not require processing. They will not, for example, create a file if the file or any of its fields require processing.

·     Throughout the application design facility, whenever a field or file is referenced, APPX verifies its processing status. Some examples are the image editor, ILF editor, and specifications entry screens.


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page 2-02:Summary of a Data Dictionary Process2-02:Application Integration Issues

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