Chapter 1-8: Utilities Cover Page 1-08:Language Translation2-01:APPX Data Dictionary

Named Resources

The Named Resources option from the Utilities Menu is used to define a resource name for referencing a group of related graphic files within the application. Once a named resource has been defined, any references to the named resource on a GUI Attribute screen will result in the bitmap for the appropriate state being displayed on the image or object. This feature is used when designing GUI images that include buttons, icons and pictures. The type of image file being used varies based on where the graphical attributes are being defined. Typically, a resource is used in this manner:

Defined At

Graphic File Normally Contains


Title bar icon, wallpaper bitmap


Title bar icon, wallpaper bitmap


Menu icon (pull-down, toolbar, pop-up)


Button icon for one or more states (enabled, disabled, pressed, rollover, etc.)


Picture or image file

Table 1-8-1. Named Resources

The Named Resources overlay is shown in Figure 1-8-14 below:


Figure 1-8-14. Named Resources Overlay

The Named Resources overlay is a scrolling display which contains the following fields:

·     Resource Name for assigning a name to a related group of bitmaps

·     Description to further define the Resource Name

Select enter to further define the selected resource. The detail display shown in Figure 1-8-15 allows you to define the “states” for this resource.


Figure 1-8-15. Named Resources Detail Overlay

The Named Resources Detail overlay contains the following fields:

·     State identifies a separate bitmap for each of the various states which an object may assume.

ENABLED to indicate the object is active and available for use to the user

DISABLED to indicate the object is not available for use to the user

SELECTED to indicate the object is currently selected by the user

ROLLOVER to indicate the mouse pointer is positioned over the object

ROLLOVER SELECTED to indicate the mouse pointer is positioned over a selected object

PRESSED to indicate the object has been pressed (clicked on) by the mouse pointer

WALLPAPER to indicate that the resource can be used as a wallpaper for a menu or input image.

·     Location Type for defining the location of the bitmap

CLIENT URL for a URL to be interpreted by the client

CLIENT FILE for a specific file located on the client

DIRECT indicates that the bitmap is stored in a 2K field within the resource record

SERVER URL for a URL to be interpreted by the server

SERVER FILE for a specific file located on the server

DESIGN FILE for a bitmap file stored in the application's Resource directory

·     Location Data for defining the specific location information that corresponds to the Location Type used.


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page 1-08:Language Translation2-01:APPX Data Dictionary

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