Known Issues

  • All examples should be tested on a Windows Server!! There is a definate Linux slant to some things, ie, some routines check to see if the first character of a file name is a / or \ to determine if it's a complete pathname or not. Under Windows, a complete path begins with a drive letter, not a / or \.
  • The Linear Meter chart type has a few problems:
    • The pointer files (PTR1/2) are not initialized when .CHART INITIALIZE is called, so each time you call .CHART RENDER, the previously defined pointers appear as well as the one(s) you intended for the current chart.
    • The PRT1/2 files are not linked to a particular CHTSPEC record, so if you are working with multiple charts of this type, when you render a chart the pointer(s) will appear on all charts, not just the current one.
  • The .CHART SET BG IMAGE routine does not pick up images in the default image directory, only a full pathname works
    • It verifies the file exists only for a full pathname, should verify image directory as well
    • Also check .CHART SET BG WALLPAPR, probably has the same problem.
    • * FIXED *, added API .CHART SET IMAGE PATH for user to specify path(s) for images, changed these routines to verify image file using the path.
  • The examples in 1CD have the path /var/www/html/ChartDirector/phpdemo hardcoded. This path can vary depending on Windows vs Linux installation. The examples should probably check the server type and use the appropriate default.
  • The .CHART SET SHAPE AA seems to update the memory file, but unless you also call .CHART SET TXT AA MODE, nothing gets put in the php script. Even if you call .CHART SET TXT AA MODE, the parameter for shape AA is always true, even if you turned it off via .CHART SET SHAPE AA. * Fixed * - C.BASECHART was checking for Yes/No instead of On/Off (CHTSPEC BC SHAPE AA)
  • The .LEGEND SET ICON GAP seems to update the memory file, but unless you also call .LEGEND SET ICON SZ, nothing gets written to the php script. * Fixed *. C.BASECHART was only checking the icon width field, needed to check width, height and gap to call LEGENDBOX.SET.KEY.SIZE. Changed LEGENDBOX.SET.KEY.SIZE to default width to -1 if blank.
  • The .LEGEND SET TEMPLATE causes the chart to fail to render unless you enclose the text in "'s. When generating the php script, the API should do this automatically. * Fixed * - was missing GOSUB :ESCAPE AND QUOTE TEXT in LEGENDBOX.SET.TEXT. Was also missing from other similar routines, added where necessary.
  • Setting the vertical gap via .LEGEND SET KEY GAP:V doesn't work unless you also set the horizontal gap via .LEGEND SET KEY GAP:H. If the horizontal gap is not set, the php script doesn't include the setKeySpacing method, which controls both horizontal & vertical. * Fixed * - if either parameter is set, the setKeySpacing method will be called, defaulting horizontal spacing to -1 if necessary.
  • .PIE SET LBL BOUNDS (and the routines to set upper/lower individually) appear to work and the generated PHP code looks right, but it seems to have no effect on the generated chart - possible Chart Director bug.
  • The .PIE SET SECT EDGE W subroutine sets the value in the memory files, but the rendered chart doesn't look any different. Looks like when setSectorStyle code is generated, the edge width is missing. Also, if you don't also set .PIE SET SECT SHADING, the setSectorStyle code is not generated at all, even if a width was specified. * Fixed * Routine was not being called unless shading was also set. Now setting the shading, edge color or width will trigger the PHP code.
  • If you explode all the sectors in a pie chart via .PIE SET SECT POSITION then you can't adust the distance on specific sectors via .PIE SET SECT EXP DIST. The generated setExplode method does not include the distance parameter or isn't being generated for individual sectors. * Fixed * - needed to call the subroutine if sector is exploded OR a distance has been set.
  • .PIE SET LBL DISTANCE doesn't seem to do anything. * Fixed * - The routine to generate the PHP code wasn't being called unless it applied to all sectors.
  • If you pass a 'data point' to .XY SET BAR CLR, funny things happen. It creates a LAYERDGP record & saves the RID. Subsequent calls to .XY SET BAR CLR with no 'data point' will just change the colour on the LAYERDGP record, which probably isn't what the designer wanted. The colours will probably not render correctly on the chart.
  • The .XY SET BAR LBL MIN SZ subroutine is used to set the minimum distance for a label to appear within a bar on a bar chart, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get labels inside the bar on a bar chart in the first place.
  • Setting custom shapes on the second data group in a multi layer bar chart does not work. The PHP code looks right, possible CD bug?
  • Consider renaming .LAYER ADD DATASET to something that includes TEMPLATE, since the use of 'dataset' conflicts with the use of 'dataset' when adding data points. Also consider renaming .LAYER LINK DATASET to include the word TEMPLATE. * Fixed* - added TM to end of process name. Changed work field name as well & did change all refs in 0CD/1CD.
  • .AXIS SET AXIS L has no effect on the length of the axis line.
  • .AXIS SET AXIS RND MIN and .AXIS SET AXIS RND MAX don't work unless you use both subroutines. (Sub C.XYCHART," Set axis rounded minimum & maximum IF 0CD AXISSPEC AXIS RND MIN NE AND 0CD AXISSPEC AXIS RND MAX NE". Should be an OR?) * Fixed * - changed to an OR.
  • Setting AXISSPEC TICK MAJ DIST and AXISSPEC TICK MIN DIST (via .AXIS SET TICK DENSITY) calls the setMinTickInc method instead of setTickDensity.
  • The .AXIS SET LBL OFFSET routine accepts Pixel or Scale as a second parameter, but the rendered chart always treats the offset as Scale. * Fixed * - Pixel is not supported, removed from Wiki and API. Changed offset to allow decimal values, same as .AXIS SET TICK OFFSET.
  • Attempting to set the brightness via .COLOR SET BRIGHTNESS results in a php error: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function adjustBrightness() in <whatever file> on line <whatever line>. FWIW, adjustBrightness is documented in Chart Director.
  • Attempting to set the brightness via .COLOR SET HALF COLOR results in a php error: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function halfColor() in <whatever file> on line <whatever line>. FWIW halfColor is documented in Chart Director.
  • .COLOR SET DASH LINE accepts hex values with a prefix of '0x', '#' or nothing at all, but the chart will only be rendered if the prefix is '0x'. Either improve the edits, or convert the '#' or no prefix to a '0x' prefix before updating COLRSPEC. * Fixed * - converts "#" and no prefix to CD format '0x'
  • .TEXT SET FONT SZ is supposed to accept a height & width, but only uses height to set font size in the addTitle method. * Fixed * - In C.BASECHART the height was getting cleared before calling C.TEXTBOX ATTRIBUTES. Should only clear height if width is blank or equal to height. C.XYCHART was not calling C.TEXTBOX ATTRIBUTES for axis labels at all.
  • Setting a width via .TEXT SET FONT SZ:W and then using the text box in .CHART SET TITLE does not work. * Not a bug * - You MUST set Height, and only then can you set width. Wiki updated accordingly.
  • Setting a height via .TEXT SET FONT SZ:H and then using the text box in .CHART SET TITLE causes the height to be used for both height and width (the height is used as a paramter on the addTitle method). * Fixed * Same as .TEXT SET FONT SZ bug above.
  • .TEXT SET TXT MAX:H has no affect. The memory file is updated, but does not affect the rendered chart. If set via .TEXT SET TXT MAX, then it works. * Not a bug * Chart Director requires a width setting before you can set the number of lines.
  • The .TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:(T,L,B,R) subroutines apply the specified margin to all margins instead of just the one the routine is designed for. * Fixed * - the routine was trying to fill missing margins from existing margins, now substitutes -1 for missing margins.
  • When a shape is set at the Layer (XYLAYER) or Data Group (LAYERDG), it is not used when the chart is generated. Setting it at the Data Set Template (LAYERDGD) level works.
  • The .TEXT SET BX EDGE CLR routine does not change the color of a legend box edge. If you use .TEXT SET BX BG CLR to TRANSPARENT makes the edge transparent as well.
  • Various families of routines (like .XY SET LINE CLR, .XY SET LINE CLR:LR, etc) are supposed to set some attribute at the layer, data group, data template or data point level, based on a built in hierarchy. However, the edits prevent the routine from running unless all of those are present. This is wrong, so long as one of them is present, the routine should run & set it.
  • Sample Chart Issues:
      • No glass affect for the sector labels
      • No gradient background
      • no gradient background
      • No Gradient background
      • No gradient sector labels
    • P09. ICON PIE CHART (1)
      • No glass shading on title
    • P10. ICON PIE CHART (2)
      • no logo in bottom right corner
      • No glass shading on title
    • P12. DONUT CHART
      • no separator line under title (addLine property)
      • no borders around sector labels
    • P13. 3D DONUT CHART
      • no separator line under title (addLine property)
      • no gradient background
      • no gradient background on sector labels
      • no textures (pattern not passed to .PIE SET SECT BG CLR?)
      • No texture on chart title
      • No example, no support for merge method.
      • Unable to set 3D border effects for the bars.
      • Unable to set gradient background
      • Unable to set soft lighting effect of the bars
      • Unable to set font attributes of system generated Y-axis labels.
      • No Glass shading effect for the bars.
      • Can't change the font style of the autogenerated Y axis labels
      • Can't draw a line under the title
      • No gradient background
      • No gradient on the bars
      • Can't change the color of the autogenerated Y axis labels
      • Can't call packPlotArea method
      • Can't change the font style of the autogenerated Y axis labels
    • B10. Stacked Bar Chart
      • Unable to get data segment labels or aggregate labels on chart (no way to call setAggregateLabelStyle or setDataLabelStyle methods).
      • Unable to get data segment labels or aggregate labels on chart (no way to call setAggregateLabelStyle or setDataLabelStyle methods).
      • Unable to make edges of data segments transparent
      • Unable to have gradient background
      • Unable to use soft lighting effect on data segments.
      • Can't call packPlotArea method
      • Unable to have gradient background
      • Unable to use soft lighting effect on data segments.
      • Can't change the font style of the autogenerated Y axis labels
      • Unable to have gradient background
      • Unable to use glass lighting effect on data segments.
      • Can't change the font style of the autogenerated Y axis labels
      • Unable to have gradient background
      • Unable to use gradient effect on data segments.
      • Can't change the font style of the autogenerated Y axis labels
      • Unable to assign cylinder shape at layer or group level, have to assign at data template level.
      • Unable to get data segment labels or aggregate labels on chart (no way to call setAggregateLabelStyle or setDataLabelStyle methods).
      • Unable to make edges of data segments transparent
      • chart is wrong, data is not charted correctly. * Fixed * was adding data group for every data set and layer for every data group. Applied changes to other chart types.
      • Unable to get data segment labels or aggregate labels on chart (no way to call setAggregateLabelStyle or setDataLabelStyle methods).
      • Can't change the font style of the autogenerated Y axis labels
      • Unable to set zone colors
      • No Gradient colors for bars
      • Unable to get data segment labels or aggregate labels on chart (no way to call setAggregateLabelStyle or setDataLabelStyle methods).
      • No example, no support for addChart method.
      • No API for packPlotArea
      • No API for text box alignment (setAlignment method)
      • No softlighting effect
      • No API for adding box whisker layer
      • Can't call packPlotArea method
      • Can't bind the line layer to the secondary (right) y-axis using $lineLayer->setUseYAxis2();
      • Can't set size of circle shape on Pareto line
      • Chart is incorrect, adds extra bar layer of pareto data, covering up intended bar layer
      • No soft lighting for bars
      • Unable to set Y-axis scale (primary or secondary)
      • Unable to sync Y axis scale
      • No gradient background.
      • chart is wrong because we can't call setXData method


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-- JeanNeron - 2011-12-05

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