Difference: LaunchingAPPXDesktopClientFromWebPageViaJavaWebstart (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32009-03-04 - JoeOrtagus

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META TOPICPARENT name="APPXAdministrator"

APPX Desktop Client

This document will explain how to start the APPX Desktop Client via Java Web Start Technology. When you publish the APPX Desktop Client using Java Web Start technology you ensure the most current version of the application will be deployed, as well as the correct version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Since the APPX Desktop Client will only be configured on the web server, you will not need to install the client on each desktop in your enterprise, just have the user base run the application for a published URL. This document applies to APPX Desktop Client version 4.2.a and above. These instructions do not require any APPX server work. APPX server on any platform may be connected to via the client when launched with Java Web Start.
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