Difference: CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI (98 vs. 99)

Revision 992011-11-11 - JeanNeron

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Chart Director API for APPX

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  • .AXIS SET AXIS L has no effect on the length of the axis line.
  • .AXIS SET AXIS RND MIN and .AXIS SET AXIS RND MAX don't work unless you use both subroutines. (Sub C.XYCHART,"* Set axis rounded minimum & maximum IF 0CD AXISSPEC AXIS RND MIN NE AND 0CD AXISSPEC AXIS RND MAX NE". Should be an OR?)
  • Setting AXISSPEC TICK MAJ DIST and AXISSPEC TICK MIN DIST (via .AXIS SET TICK DENSITY) calls the setMinTickInc method instead of setTickDensity.
  • The .AXIS SET LBL ROTATION subroutine has no affect. The memory file is updated, but the chart rendering does not use the values.


Release 5.1.0 of the APPX Utility includes a new designer API which can be used to create charts within an APPX application. This API provides APPX Designers with a robust set of subroutines which can be called to design charts, define datasets, and render charts using datasets. These charts can then be dynamically embedded in APPX menus, input screens, and PDF reports.

Line: 534 to 534

Axis Label Routines

Add the next label to the "current" Axis of the "current" chart.
Add the specified label to the "current" Axis of the "current" chart.

Set the font name and font index for the "current" label of the "current" Axis.

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