Difference: CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI (105 vs. 106)

Revision 1062011-11-18 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1

Chart Director API for APPX

Line: 37 to 37
  • .TEXT SET FONT SZ is supposed to accept a height & width, but only uses height to set font size in the addTitle method.
  • Setting a width via .TEXT SET FONT SZ:W and then using the text box in .CHART SET TITLE does not work.
  • Setting a height via .TEXT SET FONT SZ:H and then using the text box in .CHART SET TITLE causes the height to be used for both height and width (the height is used as a paramter on the addTitle method).
  • .TEXT SET TXT MAX:H has no affect. The memory file is updated, but does not affect the rendered chart. If set via .TEXT SET TXT MAX, then it works.
  • The .TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:(T,L,B,R) subroutines apply the specified margin to all margins instead of just the one the routine is designed for.


Release 5.1.0 of the APPX Utility includes a new designer API which can be used to create charts within an APPX application. This API provides APPX Designers with a robust set of subroutines which can be called to design charts, define datasets, and render charts using datasets. These charts can then be dynamically embedded in APPX menus, input screens, and PDF reports.

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