Difference: AppxHTMLClient (15 vs. 16)

Revision 162015-02-05 - JeanNeron

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This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client.

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You must open port 3014 on your web server for this connection to work. If you do not want to open any new ports on your web server, see the next section 'Tunneling/Forwarding'.
You must open port 3014 on your web server for this connection to work. If you do not want to open any new ports on your web server, see the section on 'Tunneling/Forwarding'. NOTE: You cannot use 'localhost' for the host name here, you must use the IP address or the actual host name.


As mentioned above, you can suppress the requirement for the LocalConnector by changing the following line in "client.html":

Line: 82 to 82
    • Start the connector running by:
      • cd $HOME/AppxLocalConnector
      • sh ./start-nw.sh
    • The user has to manually start the local connector every time they log in, or they can add the script to their programs that start automatically when the log in. The steps vary by Linux distribution, consult your documentation.
    • The user has to manually start the local connector every time they log in, or they can add the script to their programs that start automatically when they log in. The steps vary by Linux distribution, consult your documentation.


If you do not want to open port 3014 and would rather use port 80, you can use forwarding instead. For example, to configure Apache 2.4 on Linux you would do the following:

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