Difference: Appx620Features (41 vs. 42)

Revision 422021-08-13 - BrianRyan

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APPX 6.1.0 Features

_This page provides an overview of the new features in APPX 6.1.x

Line: 266 to 267
  The options are self-explanatory. The system identifies 'your' TRAPs by checking the user id of the user that added the TRAP and the date. Anything you added today will be considered 'your' TRAPs. TRAPs you added in the past, or TRAPs added by other designers are not considered 'your' TRAPs.
The method of turning off TRAPs has been changed as well. Previously, APPX would convert the TRAP to a comment statement, making it awkward to reactivate the TRAP later. Now it will check the TF flags and as long as there is one available flag, it will simply comment the TRAP, making it easier for you to uncomment it later.
 This option is also available in the Toolbar and Toolbox pulldown menu while at the Process level:


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