Difference: APPX610UpgradeInstallation (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42018-02-23 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="Appx600Installation"

APPX 6 Upgrade Instructions

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  1. Run the migration utility for your applications
  2. Install the migrated applications
  3. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0
  1. Final tasks
  1. Make any required changes to your applications
 This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.0 installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.

The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.0 applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.

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 To create the new Structure files, we have to run 'Create Files' for each application in the database. The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Databases/Applications' in System Administration, choose the Database, then click 'Related Applications'. For each application in the list, click 'Database Management', then 'Create Files.

Once this step is complete, you should be able to run your applications under Release 6, subject to the application issues in the next section.


8. Final Tasks


8. Make any required changes to your applications

TEMP fields Unicode
There are some differences in Release 6 that may have an impact on your applications.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data.
direct RT
2. Older subroutines in --- have various issues:

  • STREAM READ - will not work
  • STREAM WRITE - will not work
  • FIND STRING LENGTH - limited to strings of 32k
  • INSERT STRING - limited to strings of 32k
  • REMOVE STRING - limited to strings of 32k
You should use the newer .STREAM READ/.STREAM WRITE API's for stream I/O, and the .TEXT routines for string functions.

3. Any direct CALL statements to engine ,RT functions will have to be reviewed and possibly changed.

4. A group field containing a Unicode field can only be moved to or from another group field. A Unicode field cannot be moved to or from a Group. This is detected at compile time.

5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character.



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