Difference: APPX610UpgradeInstallation (15 vs. 16)

Revision 162021-01-11 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 137 to 137
  There are some differences in Release 6 that may have an impact on your applications.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data. A number of --- WORK RAW xx fields have been added - you can use these in place of --- TEMP fields if you need a non Unicode field.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data. Also, CNV BIN on a --- TEMP 2 or ---TEMP 4 no longer works since those fields are larger than 4 bytes in size (in this case Appx will give you compilation error during Em build). A number of --- WORK RAW xx fields have been added - you can use these in place of --- TEMP fields if you need a non Unicode field.
  2. Older subroutines in 0LA have various issues:
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